As an overture to promote loyalty among a group of subscribers deemed potentially at risk, an ISP customer of PerfTech’s in-browser communication platform launched a messaging campaign to reward the group for their continued patronage. The in-browser message included an ISP phone number to call to procure a special loyalty discount offer. In addition to the invitation to phone in, several other action-button options were available, including: Close, Remind Me Later, Acknowledge, and Not Interested. Although Bulletin System has no intrinsic means to determine the number of recipients who called in to explore the offer, the system does track action-button responses. With over 100,000 unique recipients during a two-month period spanning April, May, and June of this year, response results were as follows:
Close 27.3%
Remind Me Later 12.9%
Acknowledge 12.1%
Not Interested: 6.6%
While the number who phoned in to the ISP is not known, we see that only 6.6% were “not interested,” and that nearly 60% engaged with the message.