There are times when emergency circumstances require ISPs to reach their subscribers rapidly with important messaging; now is such a time. Due to the highly contagious COVID19 outbreak, ISPs are being affected by the mass retreat to work-at-home and study-at-home policies. All are seeing skyrocketing broadband demand to deliver more streaming content, better online conferencing connections, and higher usage in general. As ISPs are affected in different ways, so too their communications vis-à-vis the subscriber differ. However, they all have in common the need to deliver COVID19-related messaging as rapidly and effectively as possible. Three of PerfTech’s ISP customers so far have launched in-browser communications campaigns as follows:

• A top-tier ISP is including in all usage alerts a statement that all overage fees are currently waived to offer financial relief and appreciation to their subscribers.
• A regional ISP, noting a 60% surge in demand, is delivering a list of tips to help conserve usage to ensure that service remains fast and uninterrupted for all; the positive “Ok, thanks” response rate to the message is 48.7%.
• Another regional ISP is sending a message that they have doubled plan speeds at no cost to help subscribers accomplish their increased online needs at home during this time.

PerfTech’s in-browser messaging platform always stands ready to accommodate quick, easy message creation and campaign launch, making it the go-to platform for ISPs’ communications outreach for any critical matter that arises, now and in the future