A consistently popular use case for in-browser messaging is the late bill reminder. Bulletin System offers a fast, inexpensive vehicle to deliver late-bill alerts to targeted, overdue payers. One of PerfTech’s regional ISP customers maintains the same billing cycle for all subscribers, and delivers in-browser, late-bill reminders near the end of each month for approximately 3-4 days. Upon message display, the subscriber can choose to “Close”, “Remind Me Later”, “Login” to the account, or acknowledge with an “Ok Thanks” button. Choosing either of the latter two action buttons prevents the message from reappearing. Results over 5 months follow:

Action Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5
Login 18.2% 12.8% 17.1% 16.1% 9.8%
Ok Thanks 31.8% 12.8% 32.3% 28.6% 36.3%
Remind Me Later 17.5% 12.8% 15.9% 12.5% 15.7%
Total response 67.5% 38.4% 65.3% 57.2% 61.8%

Note that for this ISP, late bill reminders elicited an exceptionally positive response during the past 5 months of 2019, with average logins about 15%, average acknowledgement near 30%, average desire to be reminded later about 15%, and average total positive interaction rate at approximately 60%.