To better understand the effects that the approaching-saturation level of HTTPS (~90%*) has upon delivery times of in-browser messages, PerfTech looked at delivery statistics over the past three years at two of its larger North American ISP customers. Delivery events, analyzed across all use cases for each ISP for each calendar year, numbered over 46M total at ISP1, and over 19M total at ISP2. Details and results follow.
ISP 1:
During the elapsed number of hours, the percent of total deliveries achieved per year were:
Hours 2016 2017 2018
1 56.23% 48.15% 32.86%
6 81.96% 77.60% 66.90%
10 91.63% 90.46% 83.91%
20 96.95% 96.52% 92.37%
Results: 4.15% fewer deliveries occurred during the first 20 hours
Note: To verbalize the percentages above, read for example that 32.86%, nearly a third of the total number of delivered messages, displayed in the first hour after the respective message was launched; 92.37% of the total number of delivered messages displayed during the first 20 hours.
ISP 2:
During the elapsed number of hours, the percent of total deliveries achieved per year were:
Hours 2016 2017 2018
1 57.94% 46.25% 49.16%
6 82.76% 74.78% 74.23%
10 90.18% 84.61% 82.48%
20 96.37% 94.22% 91.80%
Results: 4.57% fewer deliveries occurred during the first 20 hours
Even though these statistics were generated by separate ISPs of differing size, the delivery times for millions of message deliveries were similar. In addition, despite the near-saturation point of HTTPS across the Internet today, PerfTech’s platform was able to achieve approximately 92% of its total in-browser message deliveries in the first 20 hours after message launch. While HTTPS has more effect upon delivery within shorter time windows, by the 20-hour mark, differences narrow. Importantly, PerfTech can achieve an in-browser message delivery upon a single non-HTTPS request.
Note: PerfTech makes the following distinction between “reach” and “delivery times”: “reach” refers to the percent of subscribers on a target recipient list who successfully receive a message; “delivery times” refers to the percent of messages, among all delivered messages, that are delivered in a given time window. For more information, refer to the news post dated January 18, 2019: Despite HTTPS, PerfTech Reach Is Barely Affected.
*Google’s Transparency Report (ongoing) as of December 28, 2018